
Friday, April 20, 2012

How's it going?

Just wanting to check in, week 2 is almost over. Just a couple days left to get in some fitness before weigh-in day!

Let us know how you're doing. 

What are you finding to be the hardest things to overcome?

What are some of your obstacles? 

How are you pushing through them?

Heather and I have come across our fair share of tough moments. Some much harder to overcome than others. Neither one of us is close to perfect and we make our fitness mistakes. Skipping workouts, eating fast foods, and we always feel like crap afterward, right? But it's ok, it really is. Everyday day we have, is a new day to make new decisions, better decisions. 

No matter what happened yesterday, we can always make things right today. Take one day at a time, focusing on making small changes everyday that add up over time. 

Heather and I have been making small goals to meet everyday. Last week we had one goal to meet, this week was 2 goals. Next week will be 3 goals. Three small goals we have to meet every single day. One small change at a time. Makes things feel less overwhelming.

We hope your week has been great and we look forward to seeing how everyone stacks up! Right now we have 12 paid players in this game. And there's still time for more to join up so encourage your blog followers and friends to join up!

Good Luck!

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